Sunday, 28 October 2007

26 27th October

Oh my Word another wekend over but...not October just Wednesday to go should be good.i see loadsa peeps are gettin into the fancy dress spirit? and Halloween is to come
Hey found out the Djs names lol,well i dont know everyone but they seem to know me,Ali leaves the bar on wednesday her last night ahh bye bye Ali (still be a facebook buddy)have fun,i know sounds bad but shes going across the square so she'll end up on some blog site of mine eh girl,ok i got millions of pics to upload on all the sites this week n its taken me hours editin those that will go on phew see u lot on Wednesday-Halloween cheep drinks n Good Music ill be there

ps how many of you thought u got up at the wrong time today and ended up rushing around eh who forgot to put their clocks back? no not me
total pics taken this wekend 579

The Team


hey look AJ's there

with wigs


looks like Steph's Bday party..

ahh so she does have a tail eh..

Saturdays bar staff all girls...

lil miss phibs n ermm dont know the other one

dirrty devils

i know these 2 are blown out but they wanted em on so here they are
memo to me test flash next time
tut tut

i know 4 pics but they wouldnt let me go

the lads night out

hey facebook people